Stability Study of the 1st National Standard for Haemophilus Influenzae Vaccine


  • Nguyen Thi Kieu National Institute for Control of Vaccine and Biologcals
  • Doan Huu Thien National Institute for Control of Vaccine and Biologcals
  • Duong Thi Cam Le National Institute for Control of Vaccine and Biologcals
  • Canh Huyen Trang National Institute for Control of Vaccine and Biologcals
  • Dam Thi Lieu National Institute for Control of Vaccine and Biologcals



Nationa lreference standard of Hib vaccine, self life, MCQG.Hib.01


Background/Purpose: The National Institute for control of Vaccines and Biologicals had
calibrated the 1st National Standard lot for Haemophilus influenzae vaccine, namely
MCQG.Hib.01, its shelf life is to be determined. With the purpose of giving an expected
shelf life of the standard lot, we conduct “ Stability study of the 1st national standard for
Haemophilus influenzae vaccine”.
Methods: Thermal accelerated degradation
Results: The self life of MCQG.Hib.01 is 40 years with a content of 5,181063 mg
Polyribosyl Ribitol Phosphat per vial.
Conclusion: National Standard lot for Haemophilus influenzae vaccine MCQG.Hib.01 has an
expected shelf life of 40 years.



How to Cite

Kieu, N. T. ., Thien Đoàn H. ., Le, Đường T. C. ., Trang, C. H. ., & Lieu, Đàm T. . (2022). Stability Study of the 1st National Standard for Haemophilus Influenzae Vaccine. JOURNAL OF CONTROL VACCINES AND BIOLOGICALS, 2(1), 57–65.




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