Produce Japanese Encephalitis standard antiserum of strain Nakayama for vaccine quality control


  • Nguyen Thi Mai Huong National Institute for Control of Vaccine and Biologicals
  • Pham Van Hung National institute for control of Vaccine and Biologicals
  • Ngo Phi Phuong National institute for control of Vaccine and Biologicals
  • Nguyen Thi Ly National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals
  • Nguyen Thi Ha National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals
  • Tran Thi Phuong National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals



Japanese Encephalitis antiserum, Japanese Encephalitis positive control, standard antiserum


Japanese Encephalitis vaccine has contributed to repel Japanese Encephalitis in young children in the national vaccination campaign. To qualitatively evaluate the protective efficiency of Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, a standard antiserum used as a positive control was performed in parallel with testing samples. A study was organized at National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals (NICVB) as following. Anti-sera were produced by 2-dose-injection of national standard vaccine to 28-day-old white mice, weighing 11- 13g. After blood collection and serum separation, the PRNT50 neutralizing antibody potency was evaluated in parallel with international standard antisera from NIBSC and antisera from Vabiotech manufacturer. Antiserum lot 0118 was produced with a neutralizing antibody potency PRNT50 of 1.74 to ensure criteria of a positive control standard for performing Japanese Encephalitis vaccine potency test.




How to Cite

Thi Mai Huong, N., Van Hung, P., Phi Phuong, N., Thi Ly, N., Thi Ha, N., & Thi Phuong, T. (2021). Produce Japanese Encephalitis standard antiserum of strain Nakayama for vaccine quality control. JOURNAL OF CONTROL VACCINES AND BIOLOGICALS, 1(1+2), 78–88.




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